Support CARTA

CARTA and its supporters pursue not only deeper detail into the biological underpinnings of our common human origins and behavior, as well as a broader philosophical understanding of our place in the Universe but also the answers to pressing practical concerns that drive our everyday life: what is our best diet, how does the environment and our care impact our children, what are the most effective interventions for those that struggle with mental illness, why do humans behave in the sometimes baffling and extreme ways we read in news headlines? Who are we? Where are we going?

 Learn more in CARTA's Summary Report

Help CARTA to Evolve

To best assist CARTA to adapt as an organization to rapidly changing environments and technologies, please consider a gift to our general-use Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) Fund (Fund No. 3264).

The CARTA Fund provides maximum flexibility for our organization during these uncertain times, through support of CARTA’s operations: including hosting three yearly human origins-related symposia; anthropogeny graduate fellowship awards; Museum of Primatology (MOP) curation; compilation of a database of human and great ape differences (MOCA); and building an anthropogeny library.

To contribute directly to a specific program, choose from the exciting offerings below:

CARTA Human Origins Symposia Series

Support or sponsor one of CARTA’s tri-annual symposia and promote knowledge of human origins to an audience of millions. See the full range of sponsorship opportunities and associated benefits.


Help promising graduate students study anthropogeny to develop and sustain the next generation of scholars.

Anthropogeny Field Course

Provide an opportunity for deserving graduate students to participate in CARTA’s primate field course in Tanzania, Africa.

James H. Handelman Endowment for the Exploration of Anthropogeny

CARTA would not be here today without the support and commitment of James H. Handelman. Support for the endowment will not only help secure CARTA's future, but also the legacy of its early champion.

Leave Your Legacy

Leave your mark by including CARTA in your estate planning, ensuring that the curiosity and conversations you enjoy persist long into the future.


Your ideas and hard work can help take CARTA to the next level!

Your 100% tax-deductible gift to CARTA has the power to transform our perceptions of what it means to be human by ever-expanding CARTA's reach to more people from different backgrounds, disciplines, and experiences around the globe. Your gift provides CARTA with the resources needed to sustain our exciting transdisciplinary research collaborations, training, and public programs. Join our growing list of generous supporters today!

To make a donation by mail, please send your check (payable to UC San Diego Foundation) to:

Center for Academic Research & Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA)
c/o UC San Diego Office of Annual Giving
9500 Gilman Drive #0140, La Jolla, CA 92093-0140

We understand that you may not be in a position to make a monetary contribution at this time and invite you to please share with us your insight! Your feedback is invaluable in terms of improving our offerings both in impact and reach. Please take a few moments to provide comments in CARTA's Public Feedback Survey.

If you would like more information about these and other opportunities to support the CARTA mission, please contact Jesse Robie at (858) 246-0846 or